
You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.

Check back often .....

Monday, January 14, 2008

The next big date to look forward to is Feb 7th!
That will be the day that I go in for my first Ultrasound and
we will be able to hear the heart beat....i wish it was sooner.. but they
can tell alot more about the baby at that time.

At work over the weekend I found out that two other nurses
are 12 and 16 weeks pregnant on my floor.. they were both really helpful on how
to combat the morning sickness ive been getting. They informed me to keep saltines by my bedside and when i wake up in the morning to eat a few even before i get out of bed.. then i sip on lemonade till the wave of nausea passes. IT WORKED! I was emesis-free all Sunday. What a nice morning i had actually being able to tend to my patients and keep my mascara from running! :-)

1 comment:

Deb Bahl-Moore said...

Dear Mir and Mike,
Congrats:) It is wonderful to know that a loving couple is bringing a child into the world. Let me know when the two of you want to get together. peace out, Deb

When do you think we will have our baby?