
You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.

Check back often .....

Friday, August 8, 2008

18 days to go..time flys!

Mike and I survived Childbirth Prep class, even though I did get a bit nervous when they were passing around suction cups and huge forceps during "show and tell".

Most of the info I knew already from Nursing school.. but it was a nice refresher for me and helped Mike prep himself for what is coming. We learned different relaxation methods, positions of comfort, when to go to the hospital, and overall what to expect in the next few weeks.
I feel as prepared as I can be.

  • The nursery is done
  • We are practicing putting the car seat in
  • Birth plan all filled out
  • Overnight bag packed and filled with some treats for baby and me
  • Last day of work is Aug 29th!..and not a day early :-)

Our dog and cat....Griffin & Squirt seem to be adapting well to all the new baby items being brought into the house. Griffin just loves the toys and rattles & I cought Squirt eyeing up the crib to sleep in. It will be quite interesting to see them interact with baby~

Myspace Animals IconsMyspace Animals Icons

These days I'm feeling well.. I do have difficulty sleeping and major acid reflux. But otherwise feeling great! No contractions or dialation. Just hanging out and imagining what our life will be in 2-3 weeks!

Also congrats to new parents Tim & Kelly Mosolino (Mikes cousin) and their new baby Reese Elizabeth!! Mom and baby are doing well.... now that means im up next! 'gulp!

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When do you think we will have our baby?