You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.
Check back often .....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
Monday, November 24, 2008
layin' around
Over the last few weeks Brenna has found her fingers and just loves to suck on her thumb. She now has started to grab onto things too like my hair and necklace.
She loves the jungle play mat that Uncle Chris and Aunt Anne Marie got her. I'll have to get a video of her on it... it's so cute, but for now here is a clip of Griffin and Bren doing what they do best! laying around and looking cute of course :-)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Back to work

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween Fun
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last weekend my neighbors Kate & Chris had a Halloween party for all the young kids in the neighborhood.
Superman #1 is Isaac & his sister Morgan was a bride
Brenna-Chili pepper
Anna-Little Red Ridding Hood
Will- Superman #2
Halloween is Kate's favorite holiday so she went all ou! There was brain punch, pumpkin shaped cheese, sausage, kit-kat fingers,haunted music, fog machine, and fun gift bags filled with spooky stuff.

This Friday the 31st all the kids will be getting back together to go trick or treating around the cul-de-sac to show off the costumes to the other neighbors. I know Brenna will stay nice and warm in her "Chili" outfit.
Here are some pictures from past halloweens at the Foy household..hehe

Mike as Dog
the bounty-hunter
Miranda as the
tooth fairy
Our cat Squirt as "Squirt-enstein"

A bachlorette party where we were all devils and the bride-to-be
was the lovely angel.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Grandparents ga'lore!

Since we were in the area we went over to the gazebo in Lowell Park that we got married at 3 years ago. Memories!!!!

We wrapped up the evening with Mikes homemade stew and playing some wild rounds of Catch Phrase.. things got a bit loud and crazy at times. That game goes down as one of the funnest to play especially after a few cocktails!
**no pictures were able to be taken during the game due to so much laughing we were all crying.. :-) "full of beans"
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Foy family

It's already the middle of October
and the leaves are falling outside while
the pumpkin-spice candles are
burning inside.
I try to get outside as much as possible these days before the weather gets too crummy.
Brenna is starting to get more on a schedule with eating and sleeping. She hardly fusses, unless she is super hungery..then watch out! :-)
I have been on the hunt for day care services when i go back to work Nov 4th. We checked out both centers and in-home places. I like the in-home better and will be making a decision on who to pick in the next week. It's hard to think that i'm not going to be with her every day. I'm enjoying every second with her and Griffin these days.
This weekend both sets of grandparents are coming for a visit to see their grandchild who is growing very quickly these days!!

"Little peanut"
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Road Trip
On Friday we met up with Grandma Lyster in Sun Prairie WI, went out for dinner and enjoyed taking lots of pictures of the new great-grandma.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Birthday
(Shes turns 1 month old!!)
Today I started using my breast pump and we tried a bottle for the first time.
It was a bit odd for her at first.. more came out of her mouth and onto me than in her mouth. But shes getting the hang of it. Now I can leave the house and Mike can watch/feed her if need be!
What a fun month it has been, thanks for all the love and support.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Baby Foy arrives!
Labor went so well. I pushed for just over an hour and both Mike and I thought it went so smoothly. Mike was a great support, didn't pass and let me sqeeze his hand till it almost fell off!
I had a great nurse that helped me through all the fun phases of labor. she was awesome..gotta love those nurses!!
Time for the Foys to see their newest addition to the family!!! Can't wait for the Lyster family to meet her!
Monday, August 25, 2008
its TIME!
since i got no sleep last night...(again) i had to call into work. For the "fun" of it i got an appointment to see my OB/GYN to see if I had dialated at all...
and no my surprise.... I was 5 cm!!!!!!!! He could even fell the head!
So we are off to the hospital.. it is 3:45 on Monday afternoon (My b-day) and we are going to have baby foy sooooon!
Will keep you all posted!!!
love MIR!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
bring on the contractions!
The contractions were only lasting for 30 seconds or so and were kind of sporatic..making me think Braxton Hicks, "false labor".
I called work around 5am to talk with the charge nurse and we agreed that walking probably would be the best for me so I decided to go into work unsure of what the day would bring.
By the middle of my shift they were every 30 min or longer and i was feeling ok most of the time.
Tomorrow we will see if I am progressing.
Tuesday we have a neighborhood get together/ice cream social so I would hate to miss that..so anytime baby wants to come after that would be GREAT!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Week 38
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
For about 2 minutes my belly was twictching every few seconds, i couldn't help but giggle.
Other than the hiccups, nothing much new here.
I have a feeling she is going to go past her due date so tomorrow when I go in for my weekly exam I am going to ask the doc what the plan should be if I do go over.
This weekend Mike heads up to Brainerd for a fantasy football get together. He will be gone for for 30 hrs so keep your fingers crossed that baby foy doesn't decide to come during that time! yikes!!
I just fininished reading this book called 'Being BabyWise'
One of the main concepts of Babywise is that you separate your babies activities into three basic cycles of feedings,then waketime and then sleeping. Not sleeping after eating. This is suppose to aid in your scheduling and help baby sleep through the night earlier. I have picked up alot of great advice from it and can't wait to put it into action.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Baby shower

A bunch of us went out after the party for a cocktail at the Rum Shack! We rarely get to go out with each other due to everyones crazy work schedules... it was definitly well deserved!
Baby shower in
Oshkosh WI
The first weekend in August my mom and sisters threw a baby-book shower for me. Each guest was to bring their fav book from childhood/raising kids. By the end of the day I had a full library of great classics from 'The hungery little caterpiller to Richard Scarey books"