
You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.

Check back often .....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last Thursday
Brenna slept through
the night! I of course
woke up numerous times to make sure she was still breathing!!

Last weeks doctors appointment also put to rest the worries Mike and I were having.. like all these weird sounds she was making.. "is that ok"... yup said the doctor..perfectly normal.

Being a new parent definitely brings out the worry wort in you. Besides the scary sounds she occasionally makes she is a happy baby who loves to explore. Shes already lifting her head to look around and step with her feet when held.

She gives us smiles at the oddest moments.. i'm thinking its gas related..but who knows with her.

She is growing so fast so i try to take pictures and video as much as i can, her hair is lightening up, shes 8.6 pounds and eats and sleeps a bit less then the first week.

things Brenna loves

-Her swing

-Taking baths

-Getting a fresh diaper on

-Being held in daddys big arms

-Going for walks

-Going shopping with mom

-Her fist in her mouth

-Daddy singing to her

things Brenna does not love

-dirty diaper

-having gas.

-having to wait to eat till mom gets

out of the shower


When do you think we will have our baby?