
You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.

Check back often .....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Foy arrives!

Brenna Linn Foy

Born Tuesday, August 26th at 12:16am

7 pounds 6 ounces

21 inches long

lots of brown hair!!

Labor went so well. I pushed for just over an hour and both Mike and I thought it went so smoothly. Mike was a great support, didn't pass and let me sqeeze his hand till it almost fell off!

I had a great nurse that helped me through all the fun phases of labor. she was awesome..gotta love those nurses!!

Brenna and Mom... 8 hours after the birth

Time for the Foys to see their newest addition to the family!!! Can't wait for the Lyster family to meet her!

Monday, August 25, 2008

its TIME!

All through the night last night I was having contractions.. about 10 min apart..
since i got no sleep last night...(again) i had to call into work. For the "fun" of it i got an appointment to see my OB/GYN to see if I had dialated at all...

and no my surprise.... I was 5 cm!!!!!!!! He could even fell the head!

So we are off to the hospital.. it is 3:45 on Monday afternoon (My b-day) and we are going to have baby foy sooooon!

Will keep you all posted!!!

love MIR!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

bring on the contractions!

Sunday morning around 3am I awoke to contractions. about 10 min apart. I couldn't sleep so i ate some cereal, played with Griffin and watched the clock tick tock away.
The contractions were only lasting for 30 seconds or so and were kind of sporatic..making me think Braxton Hicks, "false labor".
I called work around 5am to talk with the charge nurse and we agreed that walking probably would be the best for me so I decided to go into work unsure of what the day would bring.

By the middle of my shift they were every 30 min or longer and i was feeling ok most of the time.
Tomorrow we will see if I am progressing.
Tuesday we have a neighborhood get together/ice cream social so I would hate to miss that..so anytime baby wants to come after that would be GREAT!!

When do you think we will have our baby?