
You followed me through pregnancy and watched my belly grow, now you can see what we are up to and watch Brenna grow outside my tummy.

Check back often .....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much this year to be thankful for.. one being our little

butter-ball Brenna

She had her first Thanksgiving meal up in Brainerd with the Foys.

She got so much attention from the grandparents and great grandparent she slept really good after that trip!!

Here she is is with Great Grandma Foy and uncle Matt.

Monday, November 24, 2008

layin' around

Over the last few weeks Brenna has found her fingers and just loves to suck on her thumb. She now has started to grab onto things too like my hair and necklace.

She loves the jungle play mat that Uncle Chris and Aunt Anne Marie got her. I'll have to get a video of her on it... it's so cute, but for now here is a clip of Griffin and Bren doing what they do best! laying around and looking cute of course :-)

When do you think we will have our baby?