With my sisters behind me we hunted down Mike and I showed him... he was speechless!
After hugs and kisses we made it down to the kitchen to tell me mom, and then dad.
Dad was a bit confused at the whole pregnancy concept.. wondering who was actually pregnant. Was it Corrina? Was it me? Or his wife? We had a little laugh and then enjoyed a grand breakfast. Right afterwords mom was up in the atttic searching for baby stuff and a crib.
The preceeding hours we started to call all family and friends. Everyone was so happy to hear our good news.
At that time it hadn't really set in yet....
Well Mee-rand-ah
Sounds like things are going a little rough! I hope it gets better :) I'm excited to be an aunty. Love ya <3
Congrats Miranda @ Mike!
Sarah just told me about the blog, figured I would stop by and say congrats.
For morning sickness, they make somehting called Preggie Pops. You can buy some from amazon or sometimes local pharmacies.
Doesnt hurt to take Dremmamine(sp) as well for the really bad days.
Sarah puked a bunch when we flew to new york late in her 1st trimester. In the plane and the limo, so we sympathize :)
We are so happy for you! It is even giving JJ baby fever! You and Mike are going to be wonderful parents, and we are excited to hear about your journey along the way. Congratulations, and hang in there!
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