Little did we know that the appointment would make Mike turn WHITE!
It happened when the Dr was listening to baby's heart.. All sounded good . Heart Rate was 160s. Perfect!! Then the Dr noticed that my belly was slightly larger by the bellybutton then it usually is at this stage of pregnancy. He felt around and said.. either you are carrying the baby really high or you may have Twins in there!
Mike turned the oddest color i have ever seen!
It was priceless. Since his mother has twins in her family mike couldn't help but think of what we had missed on the first ultrasound.
Two hours later i was at the Ultrasound and saw that there FOR SURE was just ONE beautiful baby in my belly. I called Mike right away to give him the relieving news. It was kinda fun to think about maybe having twins.. but I'm just glad to have one healthy one!
During the ultrasound they took a few more measurements and told me that baby is right on schedule and the correct weight! I'm just carrying it really high...which hopefully means my shape will stay pretty much the same and I'll just have a basketball for a tummy.
Now that I'm almost 14 weeks the dreaded nausea has really subsided. I did almost loose it in a patients room yesterday when they were throwing up what looked more like should be coming from the other end.
No odd cravings yet. I usually have to eat every 2 hours to keep baby happy. I can eat ice cream now....ever since my trial run at cold stone with my sister Natalie! :-) mmmmm I also am always thirsty!
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