Wow! I'm already 12 weeks along. Hopefully that stork above keeps moving quickly down his timeline. :-)
One more week...and then I will be onto the 2nd trimester!
This week I got some info on Pregnancy/Birthing classes that are avaliable at my hospital. The ones I really want to sign up for are:
-Birth and Parenting Prep
-Breastfeeding Prep
-Infant Massage
-and Small Talk -which is a baby sign language class.
I read in one of my baby books today that baby Foy can hear the sound of my voice and sounds in the environment. Loud noises may even startle baby. They suggest to play music and talk to baby. In the next few weeks it may even respond to familar voices and sounds. CRAZY!!! I think i need to get some Mozart to play for baby foy.
My morning sickness is slowly fading. I occasionally gets waves of nausea when i smell some things still. I've figured out if i eat a little snack every 2 hours I do better then just 3 bigger meals. At my next OB check up I get to go in to hear fetal heart tones, that will be in about a week.
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